Hello everyone,
You have 4 texts and photocopies about 2 different grammar points. Organise your work this way:
- Friday 20th: Exam 1 (A Plastic Ocean and The Three R's of the
Environment)+ Exam 2 (Gambling and Remy's Story) + photocopies on Reported Speech
- Friday 27th :
Exam 3 (But Mom, Video Games Are My Job!) + Exam 4 (Tobacco Adverts
and Health Effects of Tobacco) +photocopies on Relative Clauses
the rest of the students in your group. I will send you a Rayuela
message (if it is possible) or email and I will publish everything on this blog.
I wish you good health. Take care!
The Philippine comedian and singer Mikey Bustos reminds people to be careful and stay safe with his song "Stupid Cough", a parody ...
Autumn is finally here and we are working on this woonderful season with plenty of different activities: vocabulary, poems, songs, projects...
Students in 1st Bachillerato are reading The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole published by Burlington Books. Here you will find two links to work...